Scholastic Book Club
I will be sending home monthly Scholastic Book Club orders at the beginning of every month in your child's Take Home Tuesday folder. If you're interested in ordering, you can complete the order form on the back and send in a check made payable to Scholastic. PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH! The due date for the book order will be on a label on the front of the catalog.
You can also order online through the Scholastic website at Click on the “Parents” link, and then click on “Book Club Orders”. Our classroom Activation Code is H6JB4.
Connect to Our Class Page:
Shop the flyers with your child:
You now have the option of your order being shipped right to your home or shipped to our classroom. If orders are shipped to the classroom, I will hand them out to your child to take home.
Thank you for encouraging the love of reading!
PS: Feel free to forward the class page link to extended family who may want to support your child’s reading.