Grading Scale in First Grade
Reading, Language Arts, Math, Penmanship, Conduct, Physical Education, Music, and Art are “graded” subjects in first grade. The point system is as follows:
90-100%= A
80-89%= B
70-79%= C
60-69%= C
59% and below= F
Percentages in the areas of Reading, Language Arts, and Math will be shown on report cards to see where the student falls in each grade range.
Physical Education, Music, and Art grades are determined by those respective teachers and given to me. Those grades are based on a scale of E (Excellent), S (Satisfactory), or U (Unsatisfactory).
There are also Conduct, Penmanship, and Standards grades that are based on the scale E (Excellent), S (Satisfactory), or U (Unsatisfactory).
Report Cards will be distributed at the end of every nine-week period. There are four nine-week periods in a school year so your child will receive four report cards in first grade; one in October, one in January, one in March, and the last report card will be given to your child on the last day of school.