‘Squishy Circuits’ Lead to Fun Learning (6-15-21) Trafford Elementary 2nd graders learn about electrical circuits
5th-Graders Graduate from DARE Program (6-7-21) Officer Meyers rewarded essay winners with a bowling party
Trafford Elementary Students Become Outdoor Explorers (5-26-21) 5th graders identify types of leaves, observe flowers and animal homes, and complete a nature scavenger hunt.
Hands-On Butterfly Project Captivates Kindergarteners (5-24-21) Students at Level Green, Sunrise, and Trafford Elementary Schools raise butterflies from caterpillars
Students Use Art to Support Animal Shelter (5-18-21) Students at Trafford Elementary School created portraits of rescue animals, then held an art show
Students Encourage Peers (5-6-21) Students from Harrison Park Elementary provide encouragement to Trafford Elementary during PSSA testing