Michael Bujdos » Mr. B.'s Page

Mr. B.'s Page

Welcome.   I have been teaching third grade at Trafford since 1993, aIso serving as Head Teacher since 2009.  It has been my pleasure to get to know so many wonderful Trafford families over the years.  Each year I look forward to the opportunity to start new adventures with my third graders.  
Jan. 17--2nd Nine Weeks Movie in Auditorium
Jan. 21--Report Cards
Jan. 21--PTO Meeting
Jan. 24--Blackburn visits classroom
Jan. 29--St. Vincent Program visits classroom
Jan. 30--Crafty Shack after school

Mondays- Art

Tuesdays- Music

Wednesdays- Library Skills


Fridays- Library


Student grades will be determined using the point system.

All graded papers will be returned to the student with the number correct over the number of total points. For example-(9/10).

All points will be converted into percentages for the report cards. 90-100%=A, 80-89%=B, 70-79%=C, 60-69%=D, 0-59%=F.

All grades are posted online at: https://powerschool.penntrafford.org/public/home.html.



  The following rules are posted in my classroom:

1...Raise your hand before talking.
2...Work quietly.
3...Follow directions.
4...Complete all assignments.
5...Respect others.      

The following consequences were discussed on the first day:

1st time rule is broken-warning

2nd time rule is broken-no recess

3rd time rule is broken-teacher calls parent

4th time rule is broken-send to principal

**Extreme/repeated violations may result in students missing time from activities such as recess.



Homework will consist of studying for tests in Science, Social Studies, and Spelling. Math and Grammar worksheets will be given periodically Monday through Thursday nights. Each homework assignment is worth a point towards the student's grade in that subject. All third graders are required to write their homework assignments in their homework book. Please look for this book every Monday through Thursday night. Parents are required to initial it nightly.

The Penn Trafford School District will utilize Flexible Instruction Days during times of inclement weather instead of the typical "Snow Day". 
Therefore, my students are to bring their chromebooks to and from school on a daily basis. Their chargers are to stay at home.  The devices should return to school fully charged as we may use them from time to time during the day. 
The students and I have practiced our procedures for a possible FID situation.  Your child has a red folder in his/her backpack labeled FID.  They will be required to log on to a Google Meet with me at 9:30 AM for a live session to cover the material for Reading, Math, Grammar, Spelling, and Science for that day.  They will also have a Meet with Mrs. Sipple for Social Studies. After the Google Meets, the students will be able to work on the assignments for that day.  The assignments will be due by 2:30 PM.  I will be available for a follow up Google Meet in the afternoon to answer any questions that may have risen.  All of this is done through the Google Classroom.


Second 9 Weeks Video

Here are some pictures taken during the second quarter of third grade. Thanks to the E Street Band, Fits & The Tantrums, and Vince Guaraldi for providing the music.

First 9 Weeks Video

Here are some pictures taken during our first grading period set to music by The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin.