Our School » Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Hello! Welcome to Trafford Elementary! Trafford is one of five elementary schools in the Penn-Trafford School District. It is located at the district's western end in the historic Borough of Trafford. Trafford Elementary students and staff are hard-working, dedicated, and enthusiastic.

I am looking forward to a fantastic year with 200 students enrolled and an active and thriving PTO that makes every child’s educational experience worthwhile. Here we go, Trafford! Let’s make this the best year yet! 

 Here are some important dates to remember:

Open House: Tuesday, August 20, from 5 PM - 7 PM (Kindergarten AM presentation at 5:15 and the PM presentation at 6:15)

First Day of School: We can't wait to welcome you all back on Thursday, August 22, for the start of another exciting academic year.

Picture Day: Tuesday, September 24 (details to come)

Dr. Horvat
